Tips for Weathering Hurricane Season

Experts are predicting a 51 percent chance that a major hurricane will hit the East Coast before the hurricane season ends in December. Similarly, the chance of a major hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast between the Florida Panhandle and Brownsville, Texas, is predicted at 50 percent. Both predictions are well above long-term averages, which signals a potentially active hurricane season.

The Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science expects ten Atlantic Ocean hurricanes this year, five of which they say will be intense, ranging from Category 3 (111 mph) to Category 5 (sustained winds of 156 mph or more).

While 2009 was a below average year, it was just a few years ago that hurricanes Katrina and Rita physically devastated the Gulf Coast. Some areas still have not fully recovered.

Imagine how you would feel realizing the day after a hurricane tears through your neighborhood that you don’t have wind or flood insurance, which together provide the bulk of coverage against hurricane damage.

Review Your Policy

If you live in a coastal area, your homeowners’ insurance policy probably doesn’t provide wind coverage, let alone hurricane coverage. Flood insurance is also not included in your typical homeowners’ policy. Consider that many homes in Mississippi affected by Hurricane Katrina’s flooding were not in designated flood zones and were uninsured. In fact, 25% of all flood insurance claims are paid on homes in low to moderate risk areas.

A separate policy protecting your home against flood damage is a wise, relatively inexpensive investment. The federal government by way of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) backs flood coverage. You should also be sure you are covered for wind damage.

Here are some hurricane season tips from the National Hurricane Center:

Secure Your Home

-Protect areas where wind and water can enter your home.

-One of the best ways to protect a home from windstorm damage is to install impact-resistant shutters over all large windows and glass doors to protect the doors and windows from wind-borne objects. They may also reduce damage caused by sudden pressure changes when a window or door is broken.

Family Disaster Plan

-Discuss the types of hazards that could affect your family.

-Locate the safest area to be in your home within your community.

-Have predetermined escape routes and places to meet.

-Have an out-of-state friend as a family contact so all your family members have a single point of reference.

-Have a pet plan in the event you need to evacuate.

-Post emergency phone numbers and be sure children know how to use the 911 system.

-Buy a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration radio and replace the batteries every six months.

-Take First Aid, CPR and disaster preparedness classes.

-Keep stock of nonperishable emergency supplies and have a disaster supply kit that includes:

1.   One gallon of water daily per person for three to seven days.

2.   Enough nonperishable food and juices for three to seven days.

3.   Cooking tools (including a non-electric can opener), fuel, paper plates and utensils.

4.   Pet care items including proper identification, immunization records, medication, an ample supply of food and water, a carrier or kennel and a muzzle and leash.

5.   Blankets and pillows.

6.   Medication/prescriptions.

7.   Cash (an ATM will not work without power).

8.   Important documents (keep in a waterproof container).

9.   Toys, books and games.

Stay Afloat with Proper Boater’s Insurance

There are many hidden costs associated with owning a boat; dock fees, general maintenance, and winter storage, just to name a few. One cost boat owners should never skimp on is purchasing the best available insurance policy for their watercraft.

Since buying a boat is a huge investment, owners should protect their boat with comprehensive insurance coverage. Plans are often based on the type and size of the boat. Many homeowner’s and renter’s insurance policies provide limited coverage for property damage if the boat’s engine is less than 25 mph horsepower or if it is a small sailboat, but without additional insurance, no liability coverage is included.

Owners of larger, more powerful boats and yachts will need to purchase a separate insurance policy for their boat. The insurance company will take into account the size and type of boat, its value, and where the boat sails when drawing up the conditions and cost of the policy.

Separate boat and watercraft insurance policies provide much more coverage to the owner. These policies generally include loss and damage coverage to the boat’s hull, machinery, furnishings, fittings, and any permanently attached equipment, like a navigation system. Liability coverage is extended to:

  • Bodily injury to other persons
  • Damage to other’s property
  • Legal expenses associated with non-consensual operation of the boat
  • Medical costs for injuries to the owner and passengers
  • Boat theft

Policyholders can choose the liability limits of their plan, ranging anywhere from $15,000 up to $300,000. The deductible cost for property damage is $250, and it ranges between $500 and $1,000 for theft and medical expenses. Of course, policies can be individualized based on the boat owner’s needs. Other endorsements and coverages can be added to the policy to cover the boat’s trailer, fishing gear kept aboard the boat, and any other accessories. Also, make sure to ask whether or not the policy covers the boat while it is being towed.

Just as car insurance providers offer discounts to their policyholders, discounts for watercraft policies apply in certain cases. For example, insurance companies favor diesel-powered engines over gasoline ones because diesel fuel is more stable, making the engine safer to operate.

Other discounts are related to safety equipment kept on the boat. Having items like fire extinguishers approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and ship-to-shore radio equipment could reduce the amount of the premium. Also, completing a boater’s safety course offered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the American Red Cross, or the U.S. Power Squadrons can gain some favor with the insurance company.

Maintaining a clean boating record is just as important as being accident-free on the roadways, when it comes to lowering insurance rates. Premiums are usually discounted for every two years the boater goes without an accident or filing a claim. Bundling your watercraft insurance with homeowner’s and vehicle policies is another good way to save money on coverage costs.

A solid insurance policy gives boaters the peace of mind needed to set sail and enjoy the open waters. Nothing is more relaxing than knowing your investment is covered. 

Keep Your Home Safe During Holiday Travel Time

Whether you’re planning a Caribbean vacation getaway, or a trip to visit relatives this holiday season, keep in mind that an empty house is a tempting target for a burglar. But with a little common sense and some careful planning, you can reduce the possibility that your home will be broken into while you’re gone.

* Prepare your first line of defense – Use sturdy locks on all doors and windows and secure before you leave. Repair any broken windows or locks. Never operate under the assumption that a burglar won’t find the one that’s faulty.

* Enlist the help of a trusted neighbor – Tell one neighbor your itinerary and your estimated time of arrival and return. That person should have a key to your front door to periodically check on the house, and a telephone number where you can be reached in an emergency.

* Don’t broadcast your plans – Especially in the era of social media, never post your travel plans on Facebook or Twitter. According to a recent article in the New York Times, tech-savvy thieves are taking advantage of the detailed information provided by unsuspecting social media users.

* Never let the house appear empty from the street – Stop your newspaper delivery, and have your neighbor pick up your mail and any packages left on the front porch. Arrange for someone to mow the lawn, rake leaves and clean the yard if you’ll be away for an extended period. Ask your neighbor to place garbage cans at the curb on normal pickup days and put them back after the garbage pickup. If you leave your car at home, park it where you normally would. However, be sure your neighbor moves it occasionally so that it appears the car is being driven. If you’re driving your car, have your neighbor periodically park in your driveway or in front of your house.

* Your home shouldn’t seem empty on the inside either – Plug in timers to turn lights and even a television on and off at appropriate times. Turn the ringer on your telephone down. If a burglar is around, and hears a call that goes unanswered, they’ll know you’re away. Don’t leave a message on your answering machine notifying everyone you’re on vacation. Leave your blinds, shades and curtains in a normal position. Don’t close them unless you would normally do so while at home.

* Don’t give thieves alternate ways to enter your home – Lock garage doors and windows. You should also secure storage sheds, attic entrances and yard gates.

* Don’t leave valuables in plain sight – Consider locking valuables in a bank safety deposit box. If you do leave valuables at home, make sure they are engraved. This simple precaution will allow stolen property to be easily identified and returned to you if recovered later.

Five Tips to Keep Your Most Precious Cargo Safe on a Summer Road Trip

As the warmer summer months arrive, many families blow the dust off their suitcases and hit the road for a much-needed vacation. Of course, you should go through the normal checklist for your vehicle, such as checking your oil levels and air in your tires. But, for those traveling with babies and children, there may be some additional precautions to take before heading out on vacation.

Most parents are accustomed to the usual disturbances and distractions caused by children crying, spilling snacks, and fighting with their siblings in the backseat. Such incidents may be unavoidable, especially during lengthy road trips that test a child’s ability to sit still. However, there are a few tips to help you keep your focus on the road and ensure your family safely arrives at the destination. Add the following to your pre-takeoff checklist:

1. Check all child seats in the vehicle.

Even if you feel certain that your child’s safety or booster seat has been properly installed, double check it. You might have unknowingly made a mistake during the installation or after quickly moving it from one vehicle to another. According to the National Safety Belt Coalition, incorrectly installed car seats and misuse are responsible for the serious injuries and deaths of children in car accidents everyday. You may even consider taking your vehicle to an expert that can show you the correct way to use and install a booster or child safety seat. You can find a listing of certified child passenger safety technicians in your area at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) website.

2. Invest in a child safety mirror.

Such mirrors have become popular with parents that find themselves frequently traveling with their children. Most of these special mirrors are inexpensive. They are also easy to install; you just attach it to your rear view mirror. Now, you can occasionally see what your children are doing in the backseat without actually turning around and taking your eyes off the road. Your children will be less likely to get into mischief when they see that your mirror is essentially like having eyes in the back of your head.

For smaller children and infants in rear-facing car seats, you can use an infant mirror that attaches to the back seat’s headrest or rear window. It will be positioned so that you can see the baby when you look into your rear view mirror. Plus, your baby may be less fussy along the trip if he’s preoccupied with the entertainment of his/her own reflection.

3. Get some road trip entertainment for the kids.

Any parent knows that a bored child is typically much more likely to act up and get into trouble. This is a distraction that can be alleviated by packing your kids some new, fun activities to keep them entertained and out of trouble. Think about what your child may enjoy – books, games, puzzles, coloring books, a travel diary, movies, video games, and so forth. If your vehicle doesn’t have a DVD player, you may consider purchasing a portable one.

4. Give the kids frequent breaks.

Whether it be at a restaurant, rest stop, park, or even a local attraction, try to stop every two or three hours for a break. Pit stops may extend your overall travel time, but letting your kids burn off some energy and stretch their legs will be well worth it during long road trips.

5. Reassess your insurance needs and coverage.

About two weeks before your travel date, assess your auto insurance policy to make sure it’s congruent with your needs and offers sufficient financial protection. Most parents, especially new ones, don’t think about reviewing their auto insurance plan before they head out on vacation with a child in the backseat. However, raising a child is a huge financial responsibility that could prompt an increase to property damage or liability coverage.

Learn Safe Boating Rules and Requirements

Every year, the U.S. Coast Guard reports thousands of accidents and hundreds of deaths resulting from recreational boating. Four leading causes of these tragic accidents are speeding, recklessness, inattention, and operator inexperience. These four problems magnify themselves, especially when combined with other safety concerns and issues.

Utilize and Maintain Safety Equipment

Having the right safety equipment on-board and in good working order can mean the difference between life and death on the water.

*Fire extinguishers – Boats with false floors or enclosed compartments require a Coast Guard approved fire extinguisher to be on board at all times. Be sure to keep it charged, and in a handy location.

*Life jackets and Personal Flotation devices – Each person on board needs to have a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket. Boats that are more than 16 feet long need to have a PFD that can be thrown to a person who has fallen overboard.

*Boat lights – Test your lights before you leave the dock. Be sure to carry extra batteries as well.

*Anchor – Not only do you need to have an anchor, but you also need to know how to use it. Each year improper anchoring is a cause of fatal and non-fatal accidents.

*Emergency supplies – Keep a first aid kit on board along with maps, flares, and matches. It is wise to keep your emergency supplies in a floating pouch.

Leave the Alcoholic Beverages Onshore

*Never operate a boat when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The effects of alcohol can be increased by exposure to wind and sun, as well as noise and vibration.

*Most years, about a third of all boating deaths are drug or alcohol related. Don’t become a grim statistic. Stay sober and alive.

Loading and Unloading Your Boat

*Know your boat’s weight capacity and abide by it. Overloading your boat can spell trouble.

*Practice good boat launch etiquette and safety. Load equipment into your boat before you arrive at the ramp. Ask someone to hold the bow line and to help out in boat handling at the pier. Be courteous and cooperative with other boaters upon launching and upon your return.

Use Good Judgment and Common Sense

*Tell a close friend or family member where you are going and when you will return.

*Read and understand local and federal boating regulations before entering the water.

*Do not allow passengers to ride on seatbacks or on gunwales, and ask them to stay inside of protective railings.

*Watch your speed and follow all boat traffic rules.

When it comes to boating, take steps to prevent accidents before they happen.

Until You Know It’s Protected, Keep Your Boat on Dry Land

Americans love the sense of freedom and adventure that comes from boating. But boating can have a dark side, too. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, there were 4,730 boating accidents that involved 736 deaths in 2009. The price tag of these recreational boating accidents is high: about $36 million dollars per year.  And these figures are probably only the tip of the iceberg since the Coast Guard believes that more than 80 percent of all boating accidents go unreported.

Given this level of risk for accidents, it would make sense that boat owners would look for a way to protect themselves, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. A study conducted by Progressive Insurance revealed that nearly one third of U.S. boat owners don’t own a separate watercraft policy. That’s probably because boat owners assume that their craft is covered by their personal auto policy or their homeowner’s policy. This is a mistake that can cost them big time.

The standard auto policy covers the boat trailer for liability with the option to add coverage for physical damage. The boat itself, however, is not covered for liability or damage.

Some homeowner’s policies offer coverage for physical damage for boats, but only for smaller vessels. The typical homeowner’s policy contains a special property limit of $1,500 on watercraft, which doesn’t begin to equal the dollar value of most boats. In addition, the covered perils specific to the boat are also greatly restricted.

There is also liability coverage available for boats under the majority of homeowner’s policies, but once again, it is only applicable to smaller watercraft. The only exception is a boat with an outboard motor. That means that any type of boat you own that is powered by an inboard or inboard-outboard motor is excluded from liability coverage under the homeowner’s policy.

Because most boat owners are unaware how large a property and liability loss they expose themselves to without proper insurance, the Institutional Risk Management Institute (IRMI) has created a list of loss scenarios that demonstrate the need for specialized boat owners coverage:

·  Your cruiser collides with a speedboat whose operator fails to yield the right of way, causing extensive damage to your boat. The owner of the speedboat does not have any insurance coverage.

·  An expensive fishing boat you just purchased is stolen from your home.

·  Your 27-foot-long sailboat is damaged by a hailstorm and high winds while docked at the marina.

·  Your sport fishing boat is struck by lightning, incapacitating its electrical system.

·  Your daughter’s friend is water skiing behind your boat and  falls into the lake, injuring herself, due to the excessive speed of the boat.

·  You negligently cause another boat to overturn to avoid a collision.

·  Your outboard motor explodes, seriously injuring your next-door neighbor.

These scenarios illustrate the need to factor insurance costs into the equation when buying a boat.  If you fail to insure your boat properly, your boat loan may become the smallest of your financial worries.